Current Campaigns

Traffic Team

The YPP Research Team is currently working on researching Solutions to Racial Discrimination in Traffic Enforcement. We plan to use our research to put together a report and executive summary to send to Davis City Council and other local governments, and to create educational material for our community members.

We are looking for volunteers to help us gather information about:

  • Best practices used by other municipalities nationally and internationally 
  • Available academic literature, reports, and statistics on racial disparities in traffic enforcement and efficacy of proposed solutions 
  • Any existing legal barriers to potential solution implementation

There is a role for everyone interested, regardless of research experience! Skills/expertise in the interpretation of legal statutes, social or political science, statistical analysis, academic literature review, etc. are a plus, but again, not required! Please contact us if you are interested in helping out.

Mutual Aid

Teams of volunteers provide food, beverages, and seasonal warmth to those living out of doors. If you would like to join the mutual team, please contact us.

Local Voices

The Local Voices Project (LVP) was started alongside the campaign to Reimagine Public Safety in Davis, and the Time for the Nine Progress Report led by Yolo People Power. The LVP intends to collect and compile data and testimonials from the Davis community about interactions with police in the last 5 to 10 years.

The project centers the experiences of historically unrepresented and underrepresented communities in conversations around  public safety and police/ community interactions. This includes Black, Latinx, Indigenous, Asian, LGBTQ, and unhoused communities, those experiencing mental health or substance use issues, and diverse disability communities. 

The goal of the project is to implement a broad community survey combined with a targeted outreach strategy to engage the entire community while also focusing specifically on those likely most affected by policing.

You can reach the LVP team at davistestimonials [at]

Voter Education

YPP has hosted various voter education projects including candidate surveys and community forums.

Child Welfare Accompaniment

At the request of parents we have accompanied parents accused of child neglect to court hearings and to assist in building a team to develop a family safety plan.